Black Hat Europe 2014

Welcome & Introduction to Black Hat Europe 2014

Gyrophone: Eavesdropping Using a Gyroscope

Next Level Cheating and Leveling Up Mitigations

Welcome & Introduction to Black Hat Europe 2014

Next Level Cheating and Leveling Up Mitigations Black Hat - Europe - 2014

C++11 Metaprogramming Applied to Software Obfuscation

Black Hat Asia 2014 - The Machines That Betrayed Their Masters

Charge Your Device with the Latest Malware Black Hat - Europe - 2014

Blackhat 2014 Keynote Briefings Training Expo Highlights

ret2dir Deconstructing Kernel Isolation Black Hat - Europe - 2014

Demo Bluebox-ng BlackHat Arsenal EU 2014

Two Factor Failure Black Hat - Europe - 2014

Hack Your ATM with Friend s Raspberry Py Black Hat - Europe - 2014

Lights Off The Darkness of the Smart Meters Black Hat - Europe - 2014

Analyzing UEFI BIOSes from Attacker & Defender Viewpoints Black Hat - Europe - 2014

Hide Android Applications in Images Black Hat - Europe - 2014

Mission mPOSsible by Nils + Jon Butler

A Practical Attack Against VDI Solutions Black Hat - Europe - 2014

Abusing Software Defined Networks Black Hat - Europe - 2014

Gyrophone Eavesdropping Using a Gyroscope Black Hat - Europe - 2014

Revisiting XSS Sanitization Black Hat - Europe - 2014

Attacking the Linux PRNG on Android Black Hat - Europe - 2014

Bypassing HTTP Strict Transport Security

APTs Way Evading Your EBNIDS Black Hat - Europe - 2014